The books of Sulamith Wülfing A Bibliographical Work in Progress by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. |
begun 9/23/2002 last update July 20, 2011 jump to Bands Kartenserie Kalenders contribute info |
The longest journey begins with but a single step. This is that step. I searched the web in vain to see if someone else had already done this. Since I couldn't find a list of her work and there certainly is a need for one, I'm posting the information about the Sulamith Wülfing books I own so as to encourage others to contribute what information they have in their possession. Together we can assemble a working bibliography.
Over the years I've discovered that titles and contents were changed for several "Bands" when they were reprinted. I would like to know what those differences were. I thought it would also be interesting to know the source books for all of her pictures. So I'm starting this list with those books that I own and I'm documenting:
If you would like to contribute information or pictures:
For those who want translations of German words or plate titles, I recommend Google Translations.
Jungnickel - Sulamith Wülfing - Eine Art Monographie in 35
(sic) Bildern [An Art Monograph in 35 (sic) Pictures]
1929 | 1st printing
1931 | 3rd printing to 7500 copies
1 - Sulamith Wülfing - Eine Art Monographie in 45 Bildern
[An Art Monograph in 45 Pictures]
October 1932 | 4th printing to 10,000 copies
Christmas 1933 | 5th printing to 13,500 copies
2 - Rainer Maria Rilke - Gedichte [Rainer Maria Rilke
- Poems]
Christmas 1934 | 5th printing to 14,500 copies
3 - Das Tor [The Gate]
Autumn 1931 | 1st printing of 3000 copies
Easter 1935 | 4th printing to 9000 copies
4 - Die Krone [The Crown]
Easter 1935 | no printing information stated
5a) Der Mond ist Aufgegangen - Liederband 1 [The Moon
Has Come Up - Song Volume 1]
(no actual Band number is listed)
Christmas 1935 | 5th printing to 7500 copies
5b) Der Mond ist Aufgegangen - Liederband 2 Teil [The
Moon Has Come Up - Song Volume Part 2]
(no actual Band number is listed)
Christmas 1934 | 4th printing to 12,000 copies
6 - Christian Morgensern - Gedichte [Christian Morgenstern
- Poems]
Christmas 1934 | 1st printing of 6000 copies
Christmas 1935 | 2nd printing to10,000 copies
7 - Die Truhe [The Chest]
Easter 1935 | no printing information stated, but most likely
the first edition
8 - Von der Seele [Of the Soul ]
Autumn 1935 | 1st printing of 5000 copies
9 - Von Engeln [Of Angels]
Easter 1936 | no printing information stated, but most likely
the first edition
Band 10 - Stufen [Stages]
probably 1936 | unknown
11 - Die Schwelle [The Threshold]
Autumn 1937 | no printing information stated, but most likely
the first edition
12 - Vom Kind [About a Child]
no date | 1st printing of 2000 copies
Band 13 - Vom Wunder der Tränen [The Miracle of Tears]
unknown | unknown
14 - Der Märchenschrein [The Fairy Tale Shrine]
Autumn 1940 | no printing information, but most likely the first
15 - Das Fest [The Celebration]
Easter 1946 | first printing of 3000 copies
16 - Der Ring [The Ring]
Christmas 1946 | first printing of 3000 copies
Band 17-19 - unknown
unknown | unknown [information from Internet ad]
20 - Die Kleine Seejungfrau [The Little Mermaid]
1953 | unknown
1971 |
Band 21, 22 - unknown
unknown | unknown
23 - Christian Morgenstern [Christian Morgenstern]
Christmas 1957 | 1st printing of 2000 copies
Band 24 - Den Müttern Gewidmet [Dedicated to the Mothers]
Christmas 1972 | 1st printing of 3000 copies
Band 25 - Das Album [The Album]
1974 | unknown
26 - Christian Morgenstern - Gidichte [Christian Morgenstern
- Poems]
1975 | 1st printing of 3000 copies
Kartenserie 1 - Ein Weg [A Way]
sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
*probably a misuse of the word "photogravure" which
was a dotless method of reproducing artwork. All other images
so labeled have been halftones.
Kartenserie 2 - Hinter Dem Vorhang
[Behind the curtain]
sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
Kartenserie 3 - Glückwunschkarten
[Congratulation cards]
sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
Kartenmappe 4 - Blaue Stunde [Blue hour]
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
this is labled "Kartenserie" in Band 14, but "Kartenmappe"
[card briefcase] on the actual card set.
Kartenserie 5 - Blüten [Blooms]
sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]
Kartenserie 6 - Wesen [Nature]
sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]
Kartenmappe 7 - Kristall [Crystal]
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenmappe 8 - Vom Licht [Of
the Light]
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenserie 9 - Aus Meinem Leben [From
My Life]
sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]
Kartenserie 10 - Der Strahl [The
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenserie 11 - Das Fenster [The
sechs karten in photodruck [six cards in photo pressure (?)]
Kartenserie 12 - Die Gabe [The
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenserie 13 - Zur Freude [To
the Joy]
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenserie 14 - Das Gefäss
[The Container]
sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
Kartenserie 15 - Vom Leben [Of
the Life]
sechs farbige kunstkarten [six colored art cards]
Kartenserie 16 - Der Traum [The
sechs kuppertiefdruckkarten [six photogravure* cards]
circa 1940
Illustrations copyright by their respective
owners. This page written, designed & © 1998 by Jim Vadeboncoeur, Jr. Updated 2011. |